Thursday, July 21, 2011

T. rex endocast animation

This is the original prototype of our Tyrannosaurus rex endocast. Here is a compressed version of the sample animation I sent to our multimedia team so we could show them a skull spinning while opaque and transitioning to highly translucent to show a brain endocast inside. The stopped frames in the middle were for labels depicting the olfactory (smell) and optic (sight) portions of the brain to pop-onto the screen in the touchscreen. The current display form has the skull paired with an Archaeopteryx skull and endocast that the Witmer lab was kind enough to let us use. The touchscreen animation has buttons to highlight the olfactory and optic regions and buttons to show the skull visible, translucent and endocast only. Using the touchscreen, visitors can spin the skull in either direction, 360 degrees about the Y-axis.


1 comment:

  1. The touchscreen animation has buttons to highlight the olfactory and optic regions and buttons to show the skull visible, translucent and endocast only. Using the touchscreen, visitors can spin the skull in either direction, 360 degrees about the Y-axis.
